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Alex Finberg

Carve a Swedish Butter Knife Workshop - 19.02.2022 (Afternoon)

Regular price £60.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £60.00 GBP

Workshop: Carve a Swedish Butter Knife
Date: Saturday 19th February 2022
Times: 14:00 -17:00
Location: Devon Green Wood CentreLambside Farm, PL8 1HG 
: Suitable for beginners and intermediate woodcarvers 
: All Tools, Resources, Tea Coffee & Biscuits Provided

Carve a Swedish Butter Knife
A wonderful introduction to Slöjd, and the enchanting world of Swedish handcrafts. We will be taking a log and splitting it into spreader shapes, with the use of an axe and carving knife, we will carve simple and beautiful butter spreaders and decorate them with chip carving and milk paint. 

This is a perfect introduction to green wood working workshop with no previous experience required, and yet it is also suitable for more advanced woodworkers wishing to enjoy refining simple shapes into ergonomic and beautiful designs. 

This is a half day workshop, in the morning we will be carving Japanese Spatulas.

You can book onto the whole day course for £90 here. 

What To Bring  
Sturdy Footwear 
Warm Clothes, Hat & Gloves (we may work outside) 
Packed Lunch 
Tools if you have them (none required)

Terms & Conditions
Suitable for Adults (18+) 
Non Refundable, Transferable