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Alex Finberg

Woodcraft Session 4: Carve a Coffee Scoop @Southcombe Barn - 06.07.23

Regular price £35.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £35.00 GBP
Tax included.

Carve a Coffee Scoop @Southcombe Barn 
Dates: Thursday 6th July

Where: Southcombe Barn, near Widecombe on the Moor 
Time: 6.45pm - 9pm

Woodcraft Sessions @Southcombe Barn 
I am delighted to be putting on a series of evening Woodcraft sessions at Southcombe Barn, a beautiful home and creative sanctuary on Dartmoor

We will spend our evenings carving a wooden coffee scoop with hand tools

You are welcome to join for a one off or book in all 4 workshops, they are set to follow a journey from introductory spreader carving to spatulas and graduating to cooking spoons and coffee scoops - we'd love it if you could join us for the duration! 

Session 1: Learn to carve a wooden spreader from a round of Hazel with a whittling knife

Session 2: Carve a spatula from a hardwood with carving knives

Session 3: Carve a cooking spoon with a wood carving knife and spoon carving knife

Session 4: Carve a coffee scoop with a wood carving knife and spoon carving knife

Upgrade your home cookware or camping set with these tactile and hand carved pieces which will bring lasting satisfaction and a journey into the wonderful world of woodcraft 

The setting is idyllic - it will provide us with a chance to unwind on early summer evenings in the beautiful surrounds of Southcombe Barn and Dartmoor national park

There will be a fire going, tea, refreshments and, all tools and resources provided 

Format of The Sessions

6:45pm - Arrival, Refreshments, Intro's & Tool Talk 

7.00pm - 7:30pm - Instruction & Demo's

7:30pm - 8:45pm - Carving

9pm - Depart

Experience & Learning Needs
This is a perfect introduction to woodcraft with no previous experience required

If you have any learning needs such as adjustments due to mobility or other abilities please get in touch, I'm more than happy to explore how to support your learning together. 

Approach to Learning
My approach to running workshops is to make them as enjoyable and as accessible as possible. Together as a group we create a positive learning environment where there is no such thing as a stupid question(!) and everyone is put at ease to relax into and enjoy the day. 

There is a wonderfully meditative state which can be found when carving wood which can be quite addictive! You'll come away with the opportunity to take away all the tools, skills and resources needed to carry on carving at home. 

What To Bring  
Sturdy Footwear 
Hat, Sun-cream, Warm Clothes & Waterproofs (June on Dartmoor!) 
Tools if you have them (none required though!)

Terms & Conditions
Suitable for Adults (18+) 
Non Refundable, Transferable (note though I schedule these workshops once or twice a year!)

The workshop requires a minimum of 6 participants to run, should the course not fill 6 places, the workshop will be postponed and scheduled with a minimum of 2 weeks notice prior to the course, with the option of a refund or transfer onto the subsequent course.